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Create your own bussines, create your logo!


How many ideas can you show when you think in your own logo?

This activity consists in design 8 different types of logos, imagotips, signs... whatever you want.


Now, I'll explain you what I have used for creating each logo. You have to consider that I have only used Adobe Illustrator.


  1. For the first one, for the background, I have used a new tool for me which simulate watercolours. You can find the information in this video: . In addition, I have used "Màscara de recorte" for the bow.

  2. For the second one, I have only used a typography that appears in Illustrator and then I have completed it with  the tool "Segmento de linea".

  3. The third drawn is one of my favorite. I only have used a typography that appears in Illustrator and the "Sagmento de linea" tool . Simple but beauty.

  4. For the fourth one, I have used the same tool for the background as de first drawn, and then I have completed it vectorizing the "flower" and the arrow.

  5. This is very simple. I have used simple tools of Illustrator like the tool "Ellipse" and some vectorizations.

  6. For this one, I have used "Màscara de recorte" for creating the rectangle and then I have used one typography for the name. Thats all!

  7. This one is another one of my favourite. Only with vecorizating, the line tool and one typography you can create this logo!

  8. Maybe, I can say this is my favourite one!! IT'S SO EASY TO CREATE! You only need to use a typography and the line tool !


The last twice pictures are some skecthes I have thought.



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