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A CD box


In this part of the subject we have to create a box for a CD: since their shape until their graphics.


The first thing I did was searching for inspiration and when I found the idea I simulate it in 3D with SolidWorks.

Then, I made the development of the box and I started to paint it. For painting I used the tool that I explained in the last activity that seems to be watercolours. You must do two or three drafts with the shape you want with the tool "Pencil" ant then select all and click the option "Fuse". These are the results:

When I sent it to print I had a problem and it is that some letters couldn't be printed and in the final result you can notice it.

As you can see here, the letters "i" and "k" from "Disking" are shown whereas in the printed paperbroad it's not. It could be for the thikness of the letters, maybe.

The finally results are not as I would like to be because of the quality of the printed. These are the results:

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