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Car drafts!

This activity consists in drawing four different cars and modify it with any kind of programe.

The first car I have drawn is an Audi, an sportive Audi.

The fist drawing is the original one and the second is the retouched one.


I have only changed its levels going to "Image" --> "Settings" --> "Levels" and then I have vectorized it. Finally I have put a filter found in the gallery of filters.

The second car I have drawn is a 4x4 one but it hasn't a brand.

It is one of my favourite. The modifications of the second picture have been made with Photoshop using a tool called "Photography filter" which you can find it at the right side of the screen of the programe.

The next one is an Opel. Like the first Audi, it's an sportive car.


For making some retouchings I have only divided the picture with into two parts and then I have put a colourful filter in each one.

This is my favourite one. An sportive and incredible Mercedes Benz.


I have modified it with Illustrator using the tool "Tracing Image" --> "16  colours"

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